Helpful tidbits for personal finance and saving money with a little silliness thrown in to spice it up!
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Who doesn't like to save money? Who doesn't want to use safe products for their family? Over the years I've come across many homemade recipes for detergents to tricks of reusing products. These will not only help save you money, but they are also better for your family. Most ingredients are natural & not harsh chemicals that is found in many store bought cleaners.
Homemade Cleaners:

Laundry Detergent

1 cup Fels Naptha or Ivory Soap grated (I use cheese grater)
1/2 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (laundry aisle at store)
1/2 cup Borax (laundry aisle at store)
1/2 cup powdered bleach (optional)

Mix & stir in lidded container.1TBSP for lightly soiled loads or 2 TBSP for heavily soiled clothes.
Est. cost $1.00 for 32 TBSPs

(you can also make a big batch using 1 bar of soap, 1 box washing soda, 1 box borax, & 1 box powdered bleach)

Stain Remover

1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup baking soda
2 TBSP ammonia
3 cups water

Add top three to water and stir. Spray stain before washing.  (I've personally never used this, but I have read where it does work pretty well.)

Fabric Softener

1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 cup vinegar

Fill washer with water (no clothes), add baking soda & stir. Now add clothes.  Add vinegar to final rinse.
I have adapted for HE machine as follows:
I add baking soda to homemade laundry detergent & put vinegar in fabric softener compartment.  Works the same.  (In times of extremely dry weather you will still have static.  In these times, I also use softener sheet in dryer.)

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

1 cup Borax
1/2 cup Vinegar

Flush to wet sides.  Sprinkle Borax all along the sides and inside.  Drizzle vinegar over Borax & leave overnight (or as long as you can). Next day, scrub & flush.

All Purpose Cleaner & Disinfectant

1 tsp Borax
1/2 tsp Washing Soda
2 TBSP Lemon Juice

Combine in spray bottle.  Add one cup very hot water (do not burn yourself) and shake to dissolve.  Stores a very long time.

Kitchen Disinfectant

White vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in separate spray bottles.  Spray one right after the other for best results. (I have not tried this.)

Weed Killer

Sprinkle weed with baking soda and let sit for 30-45 minutes.  Pour some white vinegar onto weed (until soaked) Rinse with fresh water the next day.

Drain Cleaner

Pour 1/2 cup baking soda into the drain.  Follow with 1/2 cup white vinegar.  It will start to foam.  Cover and let sit for about 30 minutes and then flush with cool water.  For stubborn, slow running drains pour one cup baking soda and one cup salt down drain.  Follow with 2 quarts boiling water.  Let sit 30 minutes then flush with cool water.

Oven Cleaner

3/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup salt

Add enough water to make into a paste and spread it around oven.  Leave overnight (8 hrs). Spray with water if it has dried.  Wipe it up.  Spray with white vinegar to get rid of any baking soda residue.

Dishwasher Soap

Equal parts Borax and baking soda.  (I use 2 TBSPs each.) Fill rinse compartment with white vinegar.

Spray Starch

3-4 tsp Cornstarch
2 cups Water

Mix & pour in a spray bottle. (Hint: If you use on dark colored clothes, add 1/2 cup brewed black tea and it will not leave white hazy residue)

I will post part 2 within a few days.  More homemade cleaners and other tips to come.

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