Helpful tidbits for personal finance and saving money with a little silliness thrown in to spice it up!
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If you're like me, you want to save as much money as you can when you go to the grocery store.  For some people it's a game, a sport.  For me.....not so much.

I like to hit the sales, and I will use coupons now and again but you won't see me on the floor comparing sale ads or clipping tons of coupons.  Truthfully, the small town  I live in has two grocery stores and a Walmart Super Center.  Not much choice.  Not too friendly for couponing either. I usually stick to store brands on most items.

I found this link VERY useful though.  This site has compiled a list of when items go on sale at the grocery stores.  Not all stores are the same, but the information is excellent.  I worked almost 3 years as a checker at a grocery store and discovered myself there was a cycle to the sales.

So, here is the link and Happy Savings!!!!

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