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What is compound interest and why do I need to be taking advantage of it's power?

Yes, I'm talking about the same type of interest in which every credit card company uses to rob you blind.  Every auto & home loan also use compound interest to squeeze every last penny out of your pockets. What a lot of people don't realize is, you can also use compound interest in your favor.  Banks use compound interest on most savings accounts.  That means you can apply the same principals the loan sharks use and use it to help build your personal wealth!

Here We Go!
For example, you open a savings account that pays 5% interest. You in put $1,000 and let it sit for future emergencies. (AKA: THE EMERGENCY FUND)  To keep it simple, we’ll say it compounds annually (meaning you only figure up the interest on it once a year).
At the end of the first year, that account has $1,050 in it. You have your original $1,000, plus you have 5% interest on it – $50. You just earned $50 for just keeping your hands off your Emergency Fund!!

At the end of the second year, the account now has $1,102.50 in it. You have the $1,050 you had in it after the first year ($1000 deposit + $50 interest earned), but this year it earned more interest – $52.50.

The interest earned during the first year is now earning interest. WHAT????  You didn’t just earn interest on the first $1,000. You also earned it on the $50 in interest from the first year – an extra $2.50! THAT'S AWESOME!!!

Confused?  Let's try it one more time!
At the end of the third year, the account now has $1,157.63 in it. You have the $1,102.50 ($1000 original deposit + $50 first year interest+$52.50 second year interest), but this year it earned $55.13 in interest.
Now, from the first year to the second year, your interest grew from $50 to $52.50 – an increase of $2.50. From the second year to the third year, your interest actually grew even more – jumping from $52.50 to $55.13 is a $2.63 increase in interest!!!  All this for just leaving your money in the savings account and not taking it out to buy useless stuff!

At the five year mark, you’d have $1,276.28 in the account.
At the ten year mark, you’d have $1,628.90 in the account.
At the twenty year mark, you’d have $2,653.30 in the account. Your money has more than doubled without you lifting a finger, and every single year, the money has grown more than it did the year before.  That’s the power of compound interest!!!

Just imagine what could happen if you keep depositing money in the account or have a larger initial deposit???

Compound Interest Is Great, But There’s a Catch
What’s the catch?
In order to really enjoy the power of compound interest, you have to let your money sit for a long time.
In the example, the money has doubled, but it took fourteen years for it to happen. That’s a long time....  BUT!! 

This is where the tortoise outsmarts the hare! Good things come to those who wait!  Patience is a virtue! 
All the other sayings on waiting apply here.  Those who are smart with money, not just "book smart", know that there is no sure bet.  There is no magic plan.  There is no quick fix.  Building true wealth takes time and you have to stick with it!

There it is!! 
Compound Interest in a nutshell.  Not too bad really once you get the hang of it.  This is one of the reason's God made Financial Calculators!!!!! Here is a link to an online calculator that will figure it for you.  Go on and start playing with some numbers!

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Lifeway Personal Financial Coaching

Found your blog through and these are great tutus about personal finance.

Once compound interest formula I like is:
W= (%R) X (T)

(Wealth = % return over time)

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